Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Editing Away, Making It Happen!

Today I have the fascinatingly fun job of editing another Uppereast.com video. The owner of the site is casting to find more hosts/co-hosts for the UpperEast.com videos. Jake Sasseville and I will be spending spring break in NYC editing some trailers/teasers and whatnot from his 60 hours of Africa Footage, and during that time I'll get to "do" NYC!

I'm really excited about this, because Jake is putting me up, paying for my food and my travel, in exchange for which I do some editing for him on The Edge. I've been working on a list of things that I'd like to do while there.
1. Ground Zero
2. Time Square
3. Statue Of Liberty
4. Visit TaraBeth at NYU
5. Central Park
6. Take in a Broadway Show
7. Gray Line
8. Toys'R'Us and ride the indoor ferris wheel
9. Eat at a Jewish Deli
10. B AND H Photo Video!
11. General Wandering and Exploring
12. Visit the top of a tall building (not necessarily the Empire State Building)
13. Check out the high-line in the Meatpacking district

More ideas to come!

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