Monday, August 30, 2004

These Windows Support John Kerry!

I spent two hours cleaning these HUGE front windows at my building in preperation for putting up 21 Kerry posters. (Three are inside the alcove of the door)

If you are aren't going to vote for Michael Badnarik you should vote for Kerry--at least Kerry won't WORSEN the situation.

I almost got heatstroke doing it though, because it was almost 90 degrees farinheit outside, and the class amplified it to over 105 or something. My head was throbbing, but you could see out the windows again!

Doing that was fun, and it also allowed me to procrastinate the three things that I really needed to do: 1. Read the Illiad, 2. Pack for College, and 3. Schedule to have my Pickup Truck looked at.

But there's always tommorow!


TRL said...

WOW!! You did this by choice?? (J/K) But really that's exciting...may I ask why?

Ezra said...

I did it because I want John Kerry to win. I just personally have the conviction of voting for Badnarik. I still would rather have Kerry in office. And I'm not going to waste my time trying to change peoples minds to a candidate who "can't win" people will figure out that there candidates aren't supporting their ideaologys on their own.